HR Consulting And Workplace Investigations
(705) 917-2147
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Workplace Investigations

Our experienced workplace investigators engage with individuals in a sensitive and trauma-informed manner.

We Can Help

With recent updates to legislation, the requirement for companies to act appropriately to investigate complaints has never been so clear. If your organization doesn’t have the in-house expertise, or if the sensitive nature of the issue requires that you engage a neutral third-party investigator, call us.

Our experienced workplace investigators engage with individuals in a sensitive and trauma-informed manner. We have helped employers address allegations involving:

  • Workplace harassment and bullying
  • Harassment and discrimination based on prohibited grounds under the OHRC
  • Sexual harassment and sexual violence
  • Indigenous rights issues
  • Failure to accommodate
  • Anonymous complaints
  • Allegations of reprisal
  • Workplace Assessments

Our Expertise

  • Universities and Colleges
  • Municipalities
  • Public Transit
  • Fire Service
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • No For Profits


Recent Engagements

Workplace Harassment Case #1

North Shore HR Consulting was engaged by a large service sector organization to conduct an investigation into allegations of workplace harassment and discrimination. During the course of our investigation the client expanded our investigational mandate to include additional complaints that individuals disclosed to the investigator while being interviewed.

Workplace Harassment Case #2

A large public-sector organization engaged North Shore HR Consulting to assess the prevalence of sexual harassment within their organization. This lengthy, complex process resulted in multiple findings of policy violations which led to positive changes in the work environment and expressions of appreciations from several employees who had brought their concerns forward during the investigation.

Workplace Assessment

A not-for-profit organization became aware of reports that a toxic environment was developing in their workplace. Our investigator conducted an in-depth workplace assessment, producing a detailed report on their findings and recommendations which enabled the organization to take immediate action to resolve the issues and improve the work environment.

Workplace Investigation Consulting and Advice

A well-established private sector employer became aware of inappropriate and unprofessional communications between two employees. The company reached out to North Shore HR Consulting for support and advice while they conducted their own investigation into the allegations and considered appropriate actions. In addition to providing guidance throughout the investigation, North Shore HR Consulting developed various communications, templates, and disciplinary letters to ensure that the employer’s process was appropriately thorough while recognizing the need for it to be unambiguous and timely.

What Our Clients Say

"I found your report to be very well laid out and easy to follow the progression of your investigative process and the exploration of issues in the parallel interviews from the complainant, respondent and the informational witnesses. This structure allowed for a very clear understanding of the material such that your findings and the concordance across the evidence provided by various parties on numerous important points were all very clear".
Executive, Post-Secondary

If your organization requires a neutral third-party investigator

Contact Us