HR Consulting And Workplace Investigations
(705) 917-2147
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Providing workplace-specific training in harassment investigation and related topics.

Drawing on our decades of adult education, management, and investigation experience, we work with clients to provide engaging and workplace-specific training tailored to their specific requirements. Our training is based on best andragogical practices to maximize application of learning and retention, while building a strong internal community of practice.

Recent Engagements

Leadership Training

A not-for-profit organization approached North Shore HR Consulting to develop training to increase the competency and effectiveness of their leadership team in performance management issues with their staff. We developed and delivered two half-day training sessions which used practical examples from the workplace and role plays to reorient the management group towards appropriate leadership practices when managing their team’s performance.

Legislative Compliance and Policy Development

An established hospitality operation partnered with North Shore HR Consulting for ongoing HR guidance and advice. We updated several policies and processes including the Workplace Harassment Prevention policy. At the request of ownership, we attended the location after closing and delivered a workshop which trained staff on the new policy, using practical examples to ensure that staff were aware of their responsibilities to address any workplace harassment in the workplace.

Workplace Harassment Support and Advice

A smaller organization received an order following a field visit from the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development directing them to complete an appropriate investigation into allegations of workplace harassment. The organization did not have the resources to engage an external investigator, and wished to develop the competency of their internal resources. North Shore HR Consulting provided guidance, support, and training to the organization as it navigated its internal investigation of the complaint.

If your organization requires a neutral third-party investigator

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